Stock Information


Initial Public Offering

On the first trading day of 2022 (January 3rd), Adaro Minerals Indonesia was officially listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) with ticker code ADMR after completing the IPO process for 6,607,081,500 shares or 16.37% of the 40,882,331,500 shares issued and fully paid-up. Adaro Minerals Indonesia raised Rp660,708,150,000 from the IPO, and up to December 31, 2022, out of the Rp584,228,541,570 net proceeds after deducting IPO cost, Adaro Minerals Indonesia had used Rp296,320,000,000 for partially repaying intercompany loans to its parent company PT Alamtri Resources Indonesia Tbk (previously PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk). The remaining Rp342,758,691,570 has been used to partially fund capital expenditures of subsidiaries.


Shareholders Structure

Shareholders  Shares  Percentage
PT Alamtri Resources Indonesia Tbk (prev. PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk)  34,275,250,000  83.839%
Public  6,607,081,500  16.161%
Total Shares  40,882,331,500  100%